When I first entered this class, I did not know what to expect. I was an undecided major, and I felt like I did not belong with the people around me. As classes went on I started to feel more comfortable being myself. Class discussions were really helpful. I liked the fact that everyone was entitled to their own opinion. For the presentations, I was glad we got to choose what we wanted to present. It made me feel more comfortable speaking in front of the class. I enjoyed talking and learning about Flash Mobs from the Howard Rheingold reading. Learning about Wikipedia was something I was really excited about. I was excited about contributing to the World Wide Web, but I was also scared of being rejected and ridiculed by the other users. I got lucky because the fantasy basketball page on Wikipedia was dead. There no active users. Using the blogs was also really helpful. I have always wanted to start up a blog of my own, but I thought it would be too complicated. I was glad that we learned how to set up a blog as a class. It was an easy way to communicate with classmates, and it was an easy way to keep the class organized. The reflective essay was a pain to start writing. I have a problem with starting things, but once I get started I can go into deep attention and finish it on time. The reflective essay was a good way to bring back the material we learned earlier in the class. I wish that we could have written about 5 of the reading rather than 7. There were some readings that were not that interesting to me. The hyper text essay was one of the hardest things for me in this class. I did not understand the concept of a research question, but as soon as I discovered a research question, everything else seemed to be easy for me. I was glad I finally got to use Microsoft FrontPage. Even though we used the computers with a lot of locks, it was a fun and stressful situation.
In class we searched the web for different phone novels, electronic literature, and flash mobs. I found phone novels to be really interesting. Electronic literature seemed to be fun, but also confusing. I enjoyed flash mobs the most in this class. It was really fun being able to do research on this topic. I disliked some of the readings that we had to read. I did not like produsage, and remediation. I feel that I could have missed those days in class and still be caught up with everyone. I guess it is just because I am lazy and I had a hard time reading both of readings.
I wish we could’ve spent more time on the hypertext essays. It would’ve been nice to work on FrontPage a lot more. I feel that we could have spent less time on the readings. I feel that some of the readings did not help me at all (remediation and produsage). If had more time I wish could’ve learned some code. I feel that learning some code will help me somehow in the future.
Do I feel prepared to do whatever I need to do with “writing for cyberspace”? As I stated earlier, I was an undecided major. Now I am a business management major. I feel that I learned a lot about how writing technology has changed a lot overtime. I feel that I will carry on the information I learned throughout my life. I don’t know what exactly I will carry on, but I know I learned something from this class.